
Promillus Universe

Promillus was the first company in Brazil to launch a line of breastfeeding products, elaborated within the strictest hygiene standards, produced in silicone of total quality and used in the medical area to avoid allergies and not cause skin rash.

Our products are produced exclusively for women in the pursuit of well-being and health. With three exclusive and targeted product lines, being the woman’s well-being line for young and adult women and breastfeeding line for mothers during pregnancy and after delivery.

The quality of the products, the packaging, the delivery and especially the satisfaction of our customers are our priorities and so everything here is done with great affection, always thinking of you!

Understand the benefits of silicone we use

Silicones are synthetic polymers made of silicon, oxygen, carbon and hydrogen. Non-toxic material that does not spread flames.
It has high biological compatibility, high flexibility and presents very low risk of causing allergies.
Longer lasting than plastic and withstands extreme temperature fluctuations lasting from -40°C to 316°C! That’s because of its semi-organic quality.
When discarded directly into the soil, it breaks into smaller particles, which eventually oxidize, returning to the natural forms of silica, carbon dioxide and water, not affecting soil health.
It is more inert than plastic, which means it will not eliminate chemicals for food or the planet.
They also do not disturb insects or birds, even when exposed to large amounts is resistant to odors and stains.
It is easy to clean and hypoallergenic without pores to harbor bacteria

Product Line

Products manufactured with quality and affection to facilitate the day to day and bring well-being, economy, health to our customers.

Woman’s well-being

For young and adult women, who seek safety and well-being in their day-to-day life, as well as economy and sustainable action.


Supports the mother at the time of breastfeeding, this line of products meets all evolution of pregnancy and breastfeeding leading to safety and protection against possible problems at the beginning and during breastfeeding such as cracking and snare stoneas also provides a sustainable action.


This line of products seeks to facilitate the day to day of those who take care of babies in the search for well-being and personal safety.